Moritz's Blog

Monday, January 14, 2008

Looking at the world through rose (Pink) colored glasses

Our students are off and running with Daniel Pink's book A Whole New Mind and I have to say that so far, things are looking really good.

We did our first fishbowl/liveblog discussion on Friday and I feel like the students did a great job. After debriefing on what they thought of it, there was an sense of accomplishment and lots of suggestions for tweaking the process. I was amazed at the insight that I saw, not only in the live discussion, but looking at the blog discussion afterwards. I have some smart cookies in my classes.

As this unit continues, I am ever-optimistic that the students will learn more from this process of reading, reflecting and writing than the more traditional ways of the past. Granted, I am a little scared. I'm afraid that I won't give them the instruction that they need to be successful. The assignments that we are doing are somewhat obscure, probably because we have never done them before, and none of us really know what they will look like in the end. But hopefully, they will turn out just as I imagine in my Whole New Mind.


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Seeking Shared Learning said...

I read about this wonderful learning opportunity in The Fischbowl and wanted to commend you for engaging young people in important and meaningful ways. Your risk taking is important modeling for the rest of us that feel less secure in venturing out into unknown lesson design. I look forward to following your progress with this unit and to the reactions of the students.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Seeking Shared Learning said...

I read about this wonderful learning opportunity in The Fischbowl and wanted to commend you for engaging young people in important and meaningful ways. Your risk taking is important modeling for the rest of us that feel less secure in venturing out into unknown lesson design. I look forward to following your progress with this unit and to the reactions of the students.

At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am following your project and reading the book A Whole New Mind. I was very impressed with your students after reading their post. You are teaching them a valuable life lesson about the reading process.

I just posted in my blog about the project to share with teachers at my school.

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Miller said...

I agree with Bill about the value of your project, helping your students with the reading process. What a fascinating concept. I look forward to following it as you progress. One question I have about liveblogging: Is it simply having students (or participants) posting comments and replying to one another's comments in live time? I'd love to read more about the logistics, as a possibility for my high school English classes on my blog,

Thanks again for sharing your work.


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